Saturday, December 25, 2010

Melissa the Camel

Let me give you some background info; my friend Melissa absolutely positively LOVES ice! Yesterday, and just yesterday, she ate one hundred sixty one pieces of ice. While she gorged herself on frozen water I just happened to be watching the TV series Planet Earth. I learned about animals in the Gobi Desert and a funny thing about the Gobi Desert is that its covered in snow.  The animal that reminded me of Melissa most was the dromedary that lived there. This camel ate two gallons of snow each day! It actually limits itself because (pay attention here, Melissa) its dangerous and possibly fatal to eat too much ice! I mean snow... However Melissa does not have that much self control. Most camels drink about thirty to fifty gallons of water per day and the Gobi camel forces itself to stop at 2. Don't you think that camel feels like a loser? But it stops at 2 gallons anyways (ahem!). So, my friend Melissa the camel, please stop eating so much ice because you have a nice smile and I don't think you want dentures at age 20! Also, when we finally meet Lady Gaga she will scream when you smile and we will never get French boyfriends who will fly us to France every Autumn and Spring!
Camels in Gobi Desert stopping to eat ice!

Melissa, do you want this to happen?

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